Angel Pathways

Awaken Your Innate Gifts and Life Purpose

Angel Pathways

Awaken Your Innate Gifts and Life Purpose

Angel Pathways

Awaken Your Innate Gifts and Life Purpose

Angel Pathways

Awaken Your Innate Gifts and Life Purpose

Angel Pathways

Awaken Your Innate Gifts and Life Purpose

Mastering the Possibilities

Orange City residents learned how to nourish body, mind and spirit at the Festival of Possibilities April 16, 2016, an event that was co-created by Patricia Alton. Here is a picture report from The Beacon newspaper, APRIL 28-MAY 1, 2016 edition. Photo...

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Certified Fairyologist

Greetings Everyone! I am proud to announce that I have just become a certified Fairyologist by Doreen Virtue! So just what "is" a Fairyologist? It is someone who cherishes Mother Nature, animals, and is a guardian of the environment... someone...

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Patricia Alton: She Connects With Angels

She connects with angels by Erika Webb Friday, December 18, 2015 Celebrating the season, Patricia Alton hosted a workshop, "Connecting with the Angels at Christmas" Dec. 6 in Cassadaga. While the ethereal heralds are a...

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